Fitness, Nutrition & Mindset


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I havent blogged on here for ages….

The reason is that I’ve been busy re-branding & refocusing my business to be more aligned with what I want to share and offer to you, my community.

Inspired Health by Dee is the re-branded version of both Dragonfly Holistic Health & Dragonfly Woman.

Organic herbal Teas, blog articles, recipes and so much more are now available on our new website.

I’m so excited to share this with you as we’ve grown and evolved to be able to offer so much more. I still believe that every woman is unique, beautiful and has so much to share in this world. Though sometimes, life, relationships, trauma, career etc gets in the way and we forgot that we need to look after ourselves. Then we put on a few extra kgs, feel run-down, burnt out, sluggish, fatigued, unfit and unsexy. That’s where Inspired Health by Dee comes in….whether you just want tips on quick easy recipes. want to know how to lose weight, need to add more relaxation and calm into your life (our Teas are great for that) or want a complete overhaul with your health we can help.

You can keep up to date on our website, , our instagram @inspiredhealthbydee or our Facebook Inspired Health by Dee

Come over and say hi

Love Dee x

How to prepare yourself this winter


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Winter is upon us.

The first line of defense against bacteria and viruses is to wash your hands often. Particularly is you catch public transport to work or if you work in an office environment as germs can lives on surfaces.

Plus the good news is, that there are plenty of things to do to boost your immune system. In this article, ill talk about 2 things that you can do to help boost your immunity and ward off the germs. In a followup article, ill explore another 3.

So, how do you go about boosting your immune system? There are a few different ways that you can do it but today we are going to primarily talk about foods.

I am a strong believer that everything we require to live a vibrant, energetic, happy and well life, can be found in nature.

Let’s explore the top 2 immune boosting foods:

#1. Gold Kiwi Fruits. The gold kiwi fruits are a different variety to the typical green kiwi fruit. They are less hairy and have a sweeter taste. They contain more Vitamin C than any other fruit, including 200mg per cup of sliced fruit. Plus, they taste amazing!

#2. Garlic. You cant beat garlic when trying to fight the germs. It is antimicrobial which means it can help fight infections. It can be eaten or put into a drink with other immune herbs. See my blog post

Even though its better to start working on your immune health so you are strong before winter comes, there is no time like right now to start boosting your immune system. Your body will Thank you for it later.

A home-made remedy for colds


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Do you have a sore throat? Tired? Running nose?

With the cold weather, winter also brings its fair share of colds and flu’s.

Plus add kids at daycare or school and the germs just keep getting passed around from one family member to another.

Here is a quick and easy drink that you can make up at home when you feel you are starting to get sick.

3 teaspoons of fresh ginger root

Few slices of fresh chilli (to taste)

3 cloves of crushed garlic

1 lemon, sliced.

Honey, to taste.

Simmer the ginger & chilli in 500ml water in a covered saucepan for 10-12 minutes. Remove from heat and add the lemon and garlic. Let it steep for a further 10 minutes. Strain and add the honey to taste. *The ingredient amounts can be adjusted to taste.

The power of recharging

Relax recharge

I got the amazing opportunity of accompanying a friend when she recently stayed in the city. She had an all expenses paid hotel in the city for work and asked me to meet her, our original plan was to grab a bite to eat and have a drink in a small bar somewhere.
What actually happened was that we got to catch up on the top floor of the hotel with beautiful canapés, bubbles and cheese & then once that finished we were also treated to the most amazing desserts in the hotels restaurant. Best gelato I’ve ever tasted!

So why am I telling you this?
To brag? No of course not.
The reason I wanted to share this with you because it was a beautiful reminder of the power of taking time out to recharge, rejuvenate and recover.

I’m not saying this has to be done in an expensive hotel however one of the huge reasons why both my best friend and I felt recharge and relaxed was because this was out of our normal.
I encourage you to step out of your normal to recharge. Here are some suggestions to get you started:
– Go do a class that you not all wouldn’t do. Like Yoga, Zumba or even a crafty class. Have fun with it
– Go to an area you have never been before. Our curiosity is also a powerful tool for recharging and relaxing. Coffee down the coast? Breakfast in the mountains?
– Go get a mini treatment at a day spa and get pampered
– Try a new cruising or themed based restaurant.

The list is endless. The idea is to step out of your normal to recharge and relax.
Have fun!

All supplements are equal right?


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All supplements are equal right-

All supplements are equal right?

Firstly, to define what a supplement is: ‘A supplement is intended to provide nutrients that may otherwise not be consumed in sufficient quantities. Supplements as generally understood include vitamins, minerals, fiber, fatty acids, or amino acids, among other substances.’

They are called “supplements” for a reason – in general, they are meant as an addition to your diet. They are not meant to replace meals or nutrients that you can get from whole foods or healthy sources.

Supplements can include: vitamins, minerals, herbal tablets or powders, probiotics, pre-workouts, intra-workouts and post-workouts.

From an exercise perspective, you can benefit from supplementation in a number of ways:

  • Ensuring that you are getting the required amount of nutrients and minerals for optimal health and wellness, immunity, digestive issues, skin issues, menstrual issues, mental health.
  • Supplementation can also help with performance and ensuring that you are fuelling your body with what it needs to recover faster and therefore train harder and get results.
  • Supplementation can help with muscles soreness.
  • Supplementation can help with recovery from injury or recovery from surgeries (if required ie. Shoulder surgery)
  • Supplementation can help with sugar cravings.
  • Supplementation can also help with stress. I am a huge believer in training hard, however exercise is still a form of stress on the body and so it is essential that you support your nervous system so that you recover well and can train hard and consistently and therefore get the results that you want.

As a naturopath, I often get asked, ‘well, aren’t all supplements equal? I just bought my magnesium from the supermarket, it was cheaper there than what I pay at a health food store.’.

The answer, is No. Not all supplements are equal.

I’ll give you an example. Magnesium is involved in over 300 essential metabolic reactions including energy production, synthesis of essential molecules including DNA, the antioxidant glutathione, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids. It plays a structural role in bone, cell membranes and chromosomes. It has a role in the conduction of nerve impulses, muscle contraction and normal heart rhythm.

Magnesium can help with cramps, Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS), sugar cravings, headaches. It can help aid a restful sleep, help improve memory and help with depression, help with muscle development, decreases inflammation, lower cortisol, treat obesity & help with a lean body composition.

Magnesium can come in many different forms. Some of the forms are better absorbed than others. When purchasing magnesium, the type to look for is an amino acid chelate form, (also called glycinate). This form is the most bioavailable in the body. When you purchase from supermarkets, often (not all the time), the supplements are of less quality and they are cheaper because you are getting a less bioavailable, poorer quality supplement. Using magnesium as the example, the poorer quality forms are either oxide or phosphate and just aren’t absorbed as well in the body, so essentially you are paying less for a lesser product.

My recommendation, when choosing supplements is to buy them from a health food shop or get them directly from a practitioner (naturopath or nutritionist). Speak to the health food staff, they are often very knowledgeable about the products and can recommend the best products, taking into consideration price, value for money and effectiveness of the product.

The take-home message is that: “You get what you pay for.”

If you want high quality supplements that do what they say they are going to do, then you need to purchase from a reputable health food store or get advice directly from a practitioner. When choosing your supplements, get a professional recommendation, as taking the right supplements that are the most bioavailable will produce more results than a cheaper, poor quality supplement will.

I am available for consultations, including supplementation recommendations at Doctor Earth clinic Bondi Junction, Tuesdays and Thursdays or locally, (café, your house etc.) by appointment. 0401 366 796.

Breakfast with Bobbi Brown: beauty, passion & women


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Wow what an amazing breakfast with Bobbi Brown 😊💕
What an incredible woman!
What a real life example of what happens when you are passionate about what you do, you stand for what you believe in and you help empower other women!

The 3 take home messages that I got from the talk were:
Power of the Woman:
What I got from the breakfast talk was just how powerful we can be as women in business and also in our personal life’s when we are really being true to who we are and what is important to us.
It could mean our family is important to us or making a difference in the world is important to us, whatever it may be for you, it means that when things get tough we still stand for those things that really matter to us.

Your Dream Team:
Another important point she mentioned, that in business and in your personal life, is the importance of surrounding yourself with people that support you & lift you up. As I call it, your Dream Team. I wrote about how to create your own dream team in my previous post 🙂

Who’s on Your Dream Team?

The beauty in all of us:
Last point I got from her talk was how we are all beautiful. As a makeup artist she really saw the beauty in every woman and used makeup as a tool to make women feel and look good. I really resonated with this because as a Personal Trainer & Naturopath, I see many women of all different shapes and sizes & what I’ve come to realize is that we are all unique and extremely beautiful in our own ways. I use exercise and nutrition to help women look and feel better so that they can go out into the world and stand for what really matters to them.

My questions to you before I end this blog post are:
What really matters to you? Who’s on your Dream Team to help you achieve it? & how can you celebrate beauty in the women that surround you?

Lots of Love
Dragonfly Woman

Who’s on Your Dream Team?


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Dreamteam Woman
I read an article last week, from a female entrepreneur about the importance of creating your own ‘dream team’. So what does that mean? In the world of a female entrepreneur we are encouraged to create a dream team that comes together to provide us with the necessary skills set to create the best environment to flourish as a female entrepreneur.

So it got me thinking:

What if….as a woman (not just an entrepreneur)…… you could create your own dream team?
What if I said to you that as a woman you could create a ‘dream team’ that would help you be the very best version of you that there was? And that version of you would be able to better serve your family? Your partner? Your husband? Your career? Or your future partner? And ultimately you as a person and open up opportunities and doors to your own life goals and aspirations?
What if you were in total control of creating this ‘dream team’?
How super exciting that you can create whatever and whoever you want to be on your dream team.

Here is what you do to create your Dream Team:
Write down the Top 5 core values in life that are important to you:
It could be inspiration, creativity, business focused, financial stability or challenge you as a person.
Now list the Top 5 people that you spend the most amount of time with, do they fit into these core values? If they do, fantastic! If they don’t, that’s ok too. It just means that you have new positions to fill on your dream team. I’m not saying that you suddenly have to ditch your best friend or closest friend, what you can do is to recognise the core values that are important to you and you can fill these positions on your very own dream team with people already in your life or new people in your life.

I’ll give you an example:
My best friend and I have been friends for 20 years, we went to school together and our relationship has lasted through our HSC, uni, overseas trips, living in different countries, breakups, marriage and children. She is always the person I can count on to have a rant and rave about life. She filled that role on my dream team. More recently though, our relationship has evolved and now I’m excited that she is also my business brainstormer. We get together and brainstorm together and help create solutions for each other’s businesses.
So, what im saying to you, is that you don’t always need to find new friends to be on your dream team, sometimes they can step into this new role.

Our journey as a Woman is forever changing so you will find that your dream team changes along the way. Same as you might be part of another Woman’s dream team at one point and then move away from that role and into something else.
So, I challenge you to ask yourself, what values do you need on your dream team to feel complete at this very point in time.

What are the 5 core values that you want to fulfill on your very own dream team to challenge you to get from where you are now to where you want to be? Do the current people in your life fulfill these roles? It’s ok if they don’t, they may fill other roles in your life or they may have fulfilled a role that your needed 12 months ago. I’m not saying that you need to let them go…I’m just asking you to be real and true to yourself and ask yourself, what values are you currently looking for right now, in this very moment to fulfill on your dream team and who will you get to fulfill them?
The reasons I wanted to share this with you is to help you fulfill your dream team and to enable you to become the best version of you that there is.

I’d love to hear, who is on your Dream Team and how they have a positive impact on your life.

Happy Dream Team hunting!

Dragonfly Woman

Choc Avo Protein Mousse


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Looking for a healthier version of a dessert? Try the Choc Avo Protein Mousse.

4 fresh pitted dates
2 ripe avocadoes
1 teaspoon of vanilla paste
1/2 cup of Plant Fusion Protein Powder (raspberry is my favourite)
Pinch sea salt/cinnamon to enhance flavour

Combine all ingredients in a blender, add dates, avocado, vanilla and then the protein.
Blend for 30 seconds until smooth and creamy. You can add a bit of water or coconut water to make a lighter version of the mousse. Taste and adjust sweetness if needed.
Spoon into a bowl and aloow to set in the fridge. Serves 10-12.
* Can be used on its own.
* Add different flavours of protein powders to change the flavour. My favourite is Plant Fusion raspberry however you could also try vanilla or chocolate by Plant Fusion.
* Add other fruit for variety including; berries, goji’s or chia.


Power of Silence


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Do you believe in the power of silence?

Recently, a friend of mine went to a silent retreat, which is where you spent a number of days (sometimes a week), in a beautiful setting in silence. You are encouraged to draw, journal, meditate and exercise in silence.

We got talking about her experience and what she gained from it.

It got me thinking about the power of silence in everyday life.

Think about it, from the moment our alarms go off in the morning right through to when we go to sleep we are forever in noise. When I say noise, I dont mean negative noise, I mean that constant noise that is goes on in our lives. Noise from our alarm clock, noise from our radios in the car on the way to work, noise whilst at work from customers or clients or staff, nosie from family when we get home, noise at the gym, noise from the tv and then add on top of that social media, of constantly being connected to facebook, twitter, instagram and the constant noise that actually distracts us from our own thoughts.
Talking to my friend about the retreat, it got me thinking that we are forever in noise which actually means we stop listening to that powerful voice inside us that often knows exactly what to do and guides us in the right direction.

Sometimes its about turning the noise off, getting off social media and just spending time with your thoughts, even the negative ones. They are often there to keep you safe. The problem is that when we ignore them and drown them out, we lose the ability to guide ourselves, then we seek external validation or turn to social media to ‘feel better’, when infact, if we just sat quietly with our thoughts we would be guided be our own intuition.

I encourage you to spend some time each day, quietly with your thoughts. Just 5 minutes can make the difference and help you to feel more grounded and to be in tune with the powerful inner tool of intuition that we have as women.

Enjoy! xx

3 Tips to Beat the Indulge Bulge


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How to Beat the Indulge Bulge this Christmas?

This time of the year equals indulgence. More food, more alcohol and more partying which ends up also equalling more body fat.

Here are the Top 3 Ways to beat the indulge bulge.

  1. Watch your portion sizes.

We are lucky here in Australia that our Christmas’s are in the warm weather so we should find it easier to avoid the stodge. Stick to the seafood, ham and the salads. Go easy on the breads and potato salad. As for pudding, well its Christmas time! I’m not going to tell you not to have pudding (Its my fav so I will be having pudding J) Just keep the portion size to a small amount. As for alcohol choose the lighter options like, white wine spritzers, vodka lime and soda or light beers and likewise, watch the portion sizes. Alcohol is empty calories.

2. Exercise.

This is one Christmas tradition from the British that we should follow. After Christmas lunch they go for a walk in the country side. Perfect way to beat the indulge bulge. Burn those calories! If you’re not into walking, how about a backyard cricket or touch footy game, swim in the ocean or some stand up paddle boarding. Involve the whole family and have fun with it. Doesn’t matter what it is, just move!

3. Mindset.

Write down your New Years resolutions now. Why? Because if you know where you want to be in 2015 you are much more likely to stick to a structured plan over the Christmas indulgence season. Why wait for 2015 to start working on your goals?

Give the Top 3 a go this season and beat the indulge bulge!

Merry Christmas and a Fantastic New Year.

Dragonfly Woman